With an inspirational online hub for its home-fitness products and services line, the Tonal site makes the case to prospective customers that its all-in-one digital strength training system will help them get fit and build muscle from the comfort of their homes.
Unique among at-home fitness products, the state-of-the-art system allows users to work out on a digital weight machine that uses electromagnetic resistance technology to create personalized workouts based on their fitness level and goals. Tonal isn’t just a home gym; it’s an artificial intelligence-based fitness solution for people to get a superior workout without visiting a gym.
Tonal’s comprehensive website provides an overview of the system, its features and benefits, and access to various fitness programs and coaching resources. Users can perform a range of self-service tasks, from purchasing the Tonal system and accessories to signing up for subscription access to content and coaching services.
The Tonal site is a quirky e-commerce platform built using WordPress, with an attractive design and UX. The service itself is quite popular and successful. In April 2023, Tonal raised $130 million and has continued to connect with its target audiences in the post-pandemic market.